Guidelines and Schedule of Design Thinking Module

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GTU - Centre for lndustrial Design (Open Design Schoo )strives to stay abreast of the latest trends in Design & lnnovation, Entrepreneurship, and Technologicaladvancement. To achieve this goal, GTU has introdLrced the subject of Design Thinklng. This course is designed for students from all disciplines who seek to understand design thinking for brand, prodLrct, and service development. lt covers essential concepts, methods, and techniques of design thinking, empowering students to daive innovation in both business and the social sector. GTU has deve oped a web portal to manage and coord nate all activities related to Desi8n effectively. Through this portal, all stakeholders associated with the Design subject can stay aonnected and informed about the latest information and updates. GTL, sincerely appreciates the efforts of all stakeholders in utilizing this portalto implement the design subject and adhere to the specified timeline for all activities as outlined in the guidelines. It is our earnest desire that all affiliated degree engineering colleges of GTI.J take full advantage of the portal's resources and join hands in contributing to the vision of building Digital lnd ia in its true essence. All colleges are ur8ed to complete the activities listed in Annexure 1 according to the schedule provided.